What are Sticky Keys | How to turn on Sticky Keys

What are Sticky Keys?

Sticky Keys is a Windows accessibility feature  enables keyboard shortcuts by pushing one key at a time instead of pressing too many keys at once. When Sticky Keys is activated, Windows will operate as though the modifier keys Shift, Alt, Ctrl, and the Windows key were all simultaneously pressed. People who have restricted movement or have trouble hitting numerous keys simultaneously may find this helpful.

How to Enable Sticky Keys

There are two Methods to turn on Sticky Keys.

Method 1

Go to the Ease of Access Centre in the Control Panel and turn on the Sticky Keys option there.

Method 2

You have to Hit the Shift key five times in a row to enable Sticky Keys.
Then you will see a Pop up of "Do you want to turn on Sticky Keys?" Click on Yes.

Once it's turned on, you can modify the settings, including whether you want a beep sound to be played when a modifier key is pressed and the amount of time between keystrokes. Alternatively, you may turn it off by returning to the Ease of Access Centre and tapping the Shift key five more times.