How to Check you E-mail is Seen or not.

We all write emails. sometimes to friends and family and sometimes to companies for job approval or applying for a job or anything else, but the problem is we can't see whether the e-mail is viewed or not by the receiver. In other social media platforms like Whatsapp, we can just see whether the blue tick is there or not but what about e-mail. So today we are going to tell you a simple trick so that you can check whether your emails are viewed or not. 
How to Check you E-mail is Seen or not - We will provide you an extension for browser. You have to just install it and add it after that you can just check your emails are viewed or not. So let's discuss about the extension.

To do that you have to Download An Extension
Email Tracker for Gmail, Mail Merge-Mailtrack' Click Here to Download it.

After that Click on Add to Chrome. The Extension will be Added and A new Tab is Opened on Your Browser Like This - 

You have to Connect Mailtrack With Your Gmail.
Click on Connect With Google and Sign in with your Email Address.

You will See a Mailtrack is now Installed Pop-up
Now you Can see all your Sent E-mails are viewed or not.